Dark Chocolate Ice Cream

This decadent chocolate ice cream made the perfect bottom layer for Frog Prince's 30th birthday cake.

Dark Chocolate Ice Cream - Adapted from Cuisinart

1 C milk
1/4 C sugar
1 C dark chocolate chips
1 C whipping cream
1 C half and half
1 tsp. vanilla

Begin by warming the milk in a large saucepan.  Warm milk until small bubbles form around the outside.  Stir often during this process.  Then, set milk aside.

Using a food processor, pulse the sugar and dark chocolate together until chocolate is finely chopped.

Then, pour the mixture into the warmed milk.

Stir well.

Turn the burner on to low, and place the saucepan back on the heat source.  Stir constantly, to help the chocolate pieces finish up melting in the milk.

Remove from the heat and allow the mixture to cool for about 5 minutes.

Then, pour the chocolate mixture into a large 4 C measuring cup, or a large bowl; preferably with a pour spout.

Allow the mixture to cool for 10-15 minutes.

Add in the half and half, cream and vanilla.  Mix well.

Then, pour the mixture into the ice cream maker.  Make according to manufacturers directions.

Remove from the mixer and transfer to freezer-proof containers.

Allow the ice cream to harden up for 1-3 hours; or serve right away at a soft serve consistency.

This is amazingly rich -- perfect for a 1/2 C serving and delightful with fresh raspberries.

Linked to: Mouthwatering Mondays, Tempt My Tummy Tuesday, Tasty Tuesday (2), Totally Tasty Tuesday, Full Plate Thursday, Tasty Tuesday, Ingredient Spotlight