Chip-Crusted Chicken

Once upon a time, I looked forward to the weekend with anticipatory delight at finally being able to relax and sleep in after a long busy week.  Somewhere along the roads of my life (having five kids maybe), my weekends, Saturdays in particular, have turned into one of the craziest times of my week. Between kids that all need to be driven places--sports, church activities, etc-- and trying to get our big household and yard chores done, there seems to be little time for the relaxing weekends of my youth.  In fact, even cooking meals, a chore I normally love,  is far more challenging on the weekends.  Our fresh foods are always running low, since I grocery shop on Mondays and I'm usually just kind of burned out on chores.   As a result, I usually reserve the easiest meals on my menu for Saturdays just so we don't end up eating out in pure laziness.   Meals like this super easy one from Taste of Home.  How easy was it?  It was so easy that my hubby made it!  Okay, so my hubby would probably resent me saying that he needs something easy to cook, but since my kids all thought that the BBQ chips breading was the coolest thing ever, they now think he's the best chef in the world!  :)  Hope your weekend is fabulous! Enjoy!  

No matter how hard I tried I just couldn't get this one to look pretty in the picture, so you'll just have to  imagine how tasty it is with the tender chicken and the crispy BBQ chips...
 Click here for printable recipe. 

The ingredients:
2/3 cup mayonnaise
2 Tbs. Dijon mustard
6 cups BBQ potato chips, crushed (or your favorite variety of potato chips)
2 lbs. boneless skinless chicken tenders

Directions:  In a shallow bowl, mix mayonnaise and Dijon mustard.  Place crushed potato chips in another shallow bowl.

Dip chicken tenders in mayonnaise mixture, then coat with potato chips.  Transfer to an ungreased baking sheet. 

Bake at 375 degrees for about 20 minutes or until chicken tests done.  Serve immediately!  Makes 6 servings.  Enjoy!