It Takes Longer To Wash The Dishes than to Make Red Velvet Pasta Sauce

I love blogging for many reasons, but one reason is for the many "light bulb" moments. I will be in the middle of my on-line search, watching television or reading when I come across a recipe or an idea that I just have to stop everything for and head to the kitchen. I had one such "aha" moment when I received a newsletter from the ladies at Food 52. Roxanne dubbed this pasta sauce "Cold Sauce "which truthfully sounds pretty unappealing. Who wants to eat cold sauce, now I ask you!!!!

 What I did love about this sauce is that I have everything I need to prepare it right in my pantry. No need to head to the store on a cold, blistery day and no need to spend hours in the kitchen!  I have redubbed this winter sauce "Red Velvet Pasta Sauce" in honour of Valentine's Day. This dish takes less time to make than it will to do the dishes!!!!What better way to spend more quality time with the ones you love.

This sauce takes less than 5 minutes of your time to prepare and 10 minutes of stove time. But like every well laid plan there is a catch because this baby should be made at least one day in advance so that the flavours have the opportunity to marry together.  If you take less than 5 minutes to prepare the sauce before you head to work you will have dinner on the table in the time it takes to cook the pasta!!!!  You could also make the sauce the night before whatever your schedule allows.

 It is suggested that you take the sauce out of the fridge about 30 minutes before you plan on eating, which will ensure that it does not chill your pasta (theres' that cold sauce again!!!), but rather embraces it in a warm red coat that will remind you of the tastes of summer. As we all know tomatoes are canned at their peak of perfection after all. Finally a reason to splurge on those canned San Marzano's from Italy!!!!Astonishingly deep red (and thus packed to the brim with health-giving, anti-oxidant lycopene), San Marzano tomatoes have a characteristic long shape with a pointed teat at the bottom. They have thinner skins than most varieties, contain less water and therefore more pulp – making them ideal for sauce-making, with a maximum concentration of flavour. They’re very widely used in Neapolitan cooking, sliced fresh into salads or cooked up in pasta and pizza sauces. With tomatoes as stunningly full-flavoured as these available, it’s no surprise that tomatoes have long formed a cornerstone of Naples’ cuisine.

 And once again hurray for greenhouses for an endless supply of fresh basil year round!!!

I am submitting this dish to Presto Pasta Nights the baby of Ruth at Once Upon a Feast and this week being hosted by Pia of Cook Healthy . You will always find a myriad of delicious dishes from lasagna to Pho on Ruth's site. Last week she celebrated her 200th week. Congratulations Ruth!!!!

Sun ripened tomatoes, fresh basil...I do believe I don't need that trip to San Jose Los Cabos after all to flood back the memories of sun-kissed days. Start with a delicious antipasti, throw in a side salad and a slice of ciabatta bread and perhaps a special dessert and you will quickly impress the ones you love any day of the week even after a long day at work.

Also don't forget to send in your dish for the Best Thing I Ever Ate (recently) challenge here at More Than Burnt Toast. Send your submission to by midnight February 15th. Read all about it here. So far we have some exceptional dishes from around the world

** Red Velvet Pasta Sauce**
adapted from Roxanne DeRosa

1 28-ounce can crushed tomatoes
1 cup packed fresh basil
2 or more cloves garlic, crushed
1/8 cup extra virgin olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
1 pound spaghetti
red pepper flakes (optional)

Using a food processor blitz the canned tomatoes, basil, garlic, salt and pepper and red pepper flakes (if using). Let there still be some chunks. If necessary chop the basil before hand and add it in later. You decide. Mix these ingredients together and refrigerate overnight.

When you're ready to use remove from the refrigerator 30 minutes prior to eating and add oil, stir well. In the meantime, cook the pasta al dente, drain and add the sauce. The hot pasta will warm the cold sauce. No cheese's not needed.

Serves 4

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