Fluffy Apple Cinnamon Pancakes

Frog Prince's first words upon biting into these pancakes - "Man, these are cinnamony".

My first words, "These are so light and fluffy!".

We both loved them.

The recipe comes from The Sister's Cafe, and I adapted the recipe to make it a bit healthier for us.  First, I used white whole wheat flour, reduced the oil to 1 T and changed up the syrup quite a bit.  We'll certainly be making these again.

Fluffy Apple Cinnamon Pancakes - Adapted from The Sister's Cafe

2 eggs
2 C white whole wheat flour
1 C milk
1 C applesauce {we used homemade}
1 T sugar
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. salt
2 T (yes, Tablespoons) baking powder
1 T olive oil

3/4 tsp. cinnamon
1/8 C corn syrup
heaping 1/3 C sugar
1/8 C water
1/2 C evaporated milk

Lightly beat the two eggs in a large bowl.

Add in the flour, salt, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, applesauce, oil and milk.  Stir until just moist.  Allow the batter to sit for just a few minutes while pre-heating your griddle to 350-375.

Use a soup ladle to spread the batter on the griddle.  Cook until a few bubbles form, and then flip.

While pancakes are cooking away, combine all the ingredients except the evaporated milk together in a saucepan.  Heat until sugar is dissolved and then bring to a slow boil for 1-2 minutes.

Remove from the heat and add in the evaporated milk.

Serve warm, fluffy, cinnamony pancakes to your family and friends.  They will love them.



This post is linked is linked to: Sundae ScoopPotluck Sunday, Your Recipe, My Kitchen, Slightly Indulgent, Tempt My Tummy Tuesday, Tasty Tuesday.