Menu 1/10 - 1/16

 The new toys are intermingling with the old toys.  The laundry pile is back to manageable proportions.  The goodies have disappeared and have been replaced with Grape Nuts and fresh produce.  Routine is slowly creeping back into our lives again and I just have four simple words to say about it all.... I.  Need. A. Nap. 

That's all.  Happy eating this week!

Monday--Baked Ziti with Turkey Sausage

--Apricot Chicken (super easy)

--BBQ Chicken and Cheddar Sandwiches

Thursday--Pasta with 12 Whole Cloves of Garlic  (new)

Friday--Thai Chicken Pizza (new)

Saturday--No-Fry Turkey Chimichangas

Sunday--Chicken Pot Pie


Buttermilk Pecan Waffles--simple and easy

Buttermilk Syrup--delicious, tastes like caramel

Strawberry Scones (new)

Go check Organizing Junkie for lots more Menu Plans!