Cherry Dark Chocolate Shortbread

These are the cookies Santa is getting at our house this year.

They are an elegant cookie -- perfect with tea or coffee; a great treat to serve to guests.

Santa needs a little elegance every once and a while, right?  A change from the traditional frosted sugar cookie, gingerbread men, or molasses cookie.

A buttery cookie, with hints of dark chocolate and cherries, drizzled with melted chocolate.

Try them.

Trust me.  You'll enjoy them greatly.

Cherry Dark Chocolate Shortbread  - Adapted from Recipes for Togetherness
{Print Recipe}

13 T butter, softened (1 stick + 5 T)
1/2 C sugar
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
2 C all purpose flour
1/4 C corn starch
1/4 C dried cherries, diced
~1 T milk
1/4 C dark chocolate chips, diced
1 T sugar

Cream together butter and sugar.

Add in vanilla.

Then, mix together corn starch and flour in a medium bowl.

Add slowly to the flour mixture to the creamed butter.

Add in 1 T milk, slowly.  Adding only enough to get the dough to stick and clump together.

Then, mix in the cherries and chocolate.

Roll the cookies into 1 inch balls.

Place on an ungreased cookie sheet.

Spread 1 T sugar on a plate.

Press a small glass bowl into the 1 T sugar, and then press the cookies flat.

Bake at 300 for 20-30 minutes, until the bottom begins to brown.

Cool on the cookie sheet for 5 minutes before removing to a wire wrack.

If desired, melt 1/8 C chocolate chips in a small bowl.

Drizzle chocolate over the top of the cookies.

 Allow chocolate to harden before transferring to an airtight container to store.



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