Menu 11/29 - 12/5

 We had a wonderfully quiet Thanksgiving this year and totally enjoyed a day of great food, a lot of laughter, and some rollicking rounds of Apples to Apples.  Then, as per our usual tradition, we spent Black Friday sleeping late, eating leftovers, doing a little online shopping, and trekking up and down the ladder to the attic retrieving our Christmas decorations.  As we carefully placed our Nativities and decked our tree with Grandma's hand-crocheted snowflakes, my 5-year-old, sensing the excitement, asked if Christmas was the next day.  After a split second of wishing that the holiday craziness was almost over, rather than just beginning, I started to get excited too.  While shopping is not my favorite pastime (don't ask me what planet I come from), I do love seeing the magic of the holidays invoke a generosity on my kids that I wish I could replicate through the year.  For instance,  I just had to smile when my young daughter relishing in the 4 quarters the tooth fairy had just left her on Thanksgiving night, declared that she was going to buy Christmas presents for the whole family with her money.  I'm already looking forward to the stick of gum with anticipation....  :)

And with that rambling reflection on the upcoming holidays, I present my menu for the week!  Enjoy!

Monday--Aunt Marilyn's Mexican Corn Chowder

Quick and Easy Breadsticks

Tuesday--Navajo Tacos
Coconut Cupcakes with Pioneer Woman Coconut Frosting--to share with friends (new)

--Makeover Chicken Crescents (my #1 requested meal--a kid favorite! ) 
Cookies for a Cookie Exchange:  

Ultimate Filled Peanut Butter Cookies

Crazy Craisin Cookies

Thursday--Buttermilk Pecan Waffles
"Secret" Buttermilk Syrup (tastes like a light caramel)

Sweet Potato-Coconut Soup (still perfecting)

Friday--White Chicken Pizza with Caramelized Onions

Saturday--Out to eat!

Sunday--Blueberry Scones with Lemon Glaze (new)

Thai Chicken Peanut Noodles (one of my hubby's favorites)

Go check Organizing Junkie for lots more Menu Plans!