Black Friday = Baking Friday

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  We cooked Thanksgiving for the first time in our new kitchen and had a great day.  I have lots and lots of yummy food photos and will recap our Thanksgiving in just a few days.

Rather than hitting up the stores today, Frog Prince and I along with my mom and sister {and dad too} had a busy baking day!  We were in the kitchen baking up holiday yummy treats from 11 this morning until 7 tonight. 

Now to officially kick off the Christmas season, we watched the winter parade - the Hollidazle - on TV and are now enjoying Elf for a few hours of relaxation. 

What did you do today?  Are you a Black Friday shopper?  Do you decorate for Christmas?  Eat leftovers and enjoy football?  I'd love to hear how you spend the day after Thanksgiving, and how Thanksgiving was at your place!  
