Sweet and Russet Potato Pan Fries

Fall is in the air and I love it!  Maybe it's the temperature, or the brisk fall air, but I like to eat potatoes in the fall.

Comfort food -- cozy food, for chilly fall days.

I decided to try a new pan fry recipe, the promised to be crunchy-on-the-outside and chewy-on-the-inside.

They were both!  Although I'm sure my final product doesn't look like what Cook's Illustrated intended :)

Sweet and Russet Potato Pan Fries - Adapted from Cook's Illustrated
{Print Recipe}

4-5 medium potatoes, cubed*
water, enough to cover the potatoes in 1 inch
salt and pepper
2-4 T butter

Cube the potatoes and place them in a large skillet.  Cover the potatoes with water (about 1 inch of water), and sprinkle in 1 tsp (or more) of salt.

Bring the potatoes to a boil and simmer for 2-3 minutes, until potatoes are slightly tender.

Drain the water and rinse the potatoes.

While potatoes are draining, add butter to the skillet and melt the butter.

Return potatoes to the skillet and cook on one side for 2-3 minutes until nicely browned.

Then, flip the potatoes and continue cooking another 2-3 minutes until browned.

Continue rotating and cooking until potatoes are crunchy on all sides.

Season with salt and pepper, as desired. And, add paprika, for a nice color!

Serve warm!


*I used sweet potatoes and russet potatoes


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