Menu 8/2-8/8

Two of my kids have just informed me that they want to try to eat a vegetarian diet for the month of August.  While I don't feel like meat is a huge part of our diet anyway, I'm feeling a little intimidated  by their new resolution.   In an effort to make sure that they don't end up eating PB & J's every night for dinner, I'm trying to dust off some of my vegetarian recipes (or ones that can easily be adapted to be meatless).   Here's my first week's effort: 

Monday--Honey-Lime Enchiladas(bringing dinner to a friend--the new vegetarians will have to eat leftovers)

Cheesy Cornbread

White Chip Chocolate Cookies

Tuesday--Zucchini Soup  

Pasta Con Ceci

Blitz Bread

Thursday--Garlic Chicken Pasta with Spinach (I'll make theirs without the chicken)
  Friday--Tex-Mex Pizza Loaf (new recipe--they're on their own for this night)

Saturday--Spicy Corn and Sweet Potato Chowder (new vegetarian recipe)

Sunday--Chicken Pasta Salad (a family favorite--I'll make their portions without the chicken)

Oatmeal Cake

Go check Organizing Junkie for lots more Menu Plans!
