The surprise.

No.  Frog Prince and I are not expecting.... but, you all made me laugh with your comments ;-)

No.  It wasn't the unveiling of my new blog design ... {although the timing was great}.

It was... that I finally got to meet up with one of my most dear bloggy friend, Lucy!

I still can't believe that I'm standing next to her in this photo!  I've been reading her blogs {Lucy's Life and Lucy's Kitchen} for over a year now and can't believe I finally got to sit down for a cup-o-tea together in real life!!!  I'm so used to looking at photos on her blog of her... and now, I'm standing right next to her!

We met up at Tim Horton's, as a good Canadian would, and it was fabulous -- pulling up a chair and talking with someone who, over the past year or so has become one of my closest friends!  It was a day I'll cherish.

Lucy is just as wonderful, joyful, caring and splendid in real life as she is on her blog.  I'm so thankful for her friendship, for the blessing that she is to me and for how God brought our paths together.  She continues to encourage me, especially in the kitchen, and I treasure that we email frequently as we traverse through the stages of life.

And, how cute of a pregnant girl is she?!  If you feel the need to wish someone {not me} congratulations on a baby... stop over and say "hi" and congrats to Lucy!


ps - please excuse the construction ... Maddie, my awesome blog designer, is still in the final stages of getting Finding Joy in My Kitchen up and running!