Blueberry and Spinach Smoothie

One time I mentioned to a few friends that we regularly have a "Super Food Smoothie" with our dinner that included spinach and since then I've had several people ask me for the recipe.  So, by popular demand, here is the recipe.   

With four super foods in this smoothie, it packs a nutritious punch that the whole family loves.  I hid the fact that I was adding spinach the first few times I made it, but now they all know and like that they get to "eat" their vegetables in such a pleasant manner!   
Click here for printable recipe

Can you name the four super foods in the picture above?
Spinach, blueberries, yogurt, and oranges.

The ingredients:
2-3 cups tightly packed baby spinach leaves, washed
1-1/2 cups frozen blueberries
1-1/2 cups frozen strawberries (or other frozen fruit of your choice)
1 ripe banana
1/2 cup favorite yogurt (or more if you want it a little sweeter)
1-2 cups 100% grape juice or orange juice* (depending on how thick/sweet  you like it)

*  My husband prefers it made with grape juice, while I prefer the slightly less sweet version made with orange juice.  Sometimes we are bold and try it with half OJ and half grape juice.

Directions:  Pack 2-3 cups of washed baby spinach into the bottom of the blender (use the glass cup markings on the side of the blender pitcher for convenience).  Add the rest of the ingredients in the order listed. 
( Your blender will only be about 2/3 full if you make the recipe as written. 
I always make a one and a half batch for my big family.)

Blend for 2-3 minutes until smooth and pureed.  You may need to push down and stir the frozen berries occasionally. 

Thin with added grape juice or water if desired.  Serve immediately.  Makes 4-5 servings.  Enjoy!