Tidying the Kitchen....

Things are picking up in tempo around here, and I wanted to share some exciting news with you:

I have an upcoming job interview!!!

I share this with you to ask for your prayers for God's strength and His will in this opportunity.  I also share this to let you know that I may be a little less frequent with posts in the next couple of weeks.  If dear Frog Prince agrees, he might stop by and share some of his cooking adventures (he's a pretty good chef!), but otherwise, I probably won't do a whole lot of new recipes in the next little while.

That is, unless, I get super stressed... because the best way to combat stress is in the kitchen.

There's nothing like being able to control something and have it turn out nicely when the rest of your life seems out of control :)

For today... we're off out into the snow to find some interview clothes!