Come Celebrate My Three Year Blogiversary with Spicy Sausage Meat Lovers Pizza

Today I am celebrating my third year of blogging. More Than Burnt Toast has come a long way since its birth February 2nd three years ago. It started off as an avenue to record my recipes for L'il Burnt Toast who was attending university. I had visited a few blogs over the years but was drawn in through a friends daughter who had a diary blog while teaching in London and I felt I could make it work for my hobby too. My first posts had photos of places I had visited with no food photography at all. For shame. I had just returned from a 5 week sojourn in Greece and wanted to share some recipes I had learned while on Kea. A wise blogger suggested that photos might have people coming back...I was hooked. Since I began writing these pages I have discovered an entire community of generous and caring food bloggers which is continually growing!!!!!

What began as a hobby has become a full time obsession and has changed my life in many positive ways. As time goes on I have discovered more of your wonderful blogs until my Google Reader is overflowing. Unbelievably you have also found me. If I haven't found you yet feel free to comment and I am sure to visit. I’ve met some of the coolest people ever through my blog and am blessed to consider many of you my friends!

In the past year some amazing opportunities have come my way. Through blogging I met Giz, one half of the mother/daughter team at Equal Opportunity Kitchen and we created BloggerAid-Changing the Face of Famine. Over the course of a year we created a cookbook with the volunteer help of over 130 bloggers the world over who rose to the challenge to raise money for the School Meals Programme.  I attended the very first BlogHer Food conference in San Francisco and on a panel of my peers had my very first speaking engagement.  In November I flew down to San Francisco again and joined the Buzz at the first Foodbuzz Festival for my second visit to San Francisco and sat at a table with over 250 bloggers at my long awaited Outstanding in the Field dinner!!!!Through it all I have met many of you and enjoyed your company. What is really cool is that I continue to learn and grow on a daily basis with this little blog. I truly thank you for being a part of my life and guiding me through the exciting culinary world. I am humbled every day to wake up to new comments by you and to visit each and every one of you for innovative and fresh ideas, so thank you!

So when there is something to celebrate I want you right there by my side cheering right along with me as you always do. For our celebration I have made a cheesy pizza to share with all of you. Grab a slice and celebrate who we are with our "camera happy" and supportive ways. Use your favourite pizza dough or do as I do and purchase your dough from your local pizzeria. For our special treat I made some garlicky homemade sausage.  It's as bold as the name implies. Use some of the sausage now and freeze the rest for a quick pizza later. I also added some mild cappiocoli and pepperoni for a meat lovers DREAM!!!!! This is healthy food that doesn't taste like your keyboard. Enjoy and see you tomorrow as we continue to grow together:D

Spicy Sausage Meat Lovers Pizza

** Spicy Pizza Sausage**

1 pound ground chicken
1 pound ground pork
1/2 cup dry red wine
1/3 cup minced fresh parsley
2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
1 tablespoon fennel seeds (optional)
1 1/2 teaspoons crushed red pepper
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon dried thyme
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
4 garlic cloves, crushed

Combine all ingredients in a large bowl. Cook sausage in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat until browned, stirring to crumble. Drain. Use as a topping for your pizza!!!!

NOTE: The sausage can be frozen in zip-top plastic bags for up to 3 months.

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