Holiday Round-up ...

Good morning and belated Happy New Year wishes to all!

The husband and I spent a quiet New Year's Eve at home, which is just what the doctor ordered after an eventful holiday week. A couple of delicious steaks, some champagne at midnight and a few episodes of "The Honeymooners" marathon, was all this Diva needed to usher in the new year. I hope it will be a happy, healthy, peaceful and prosperous one for all of us!

This year we broke with tradition and dined on an amazing stuffed crown roast of pork for Christmas dinner. We ordered it from our favorite Italian market, Liuzzi's, and it was spectacular. All I had to do was pop it in the oven for a few hours ... then take all the credit! I made some mashed potatoes and steamed green beans to go with ... wow, it was heavenly! So good that we may well have a new holiday tradition in the making here. Yum!

Later there was mulled wine (pictured above) and all sorts of cookies, pies and desserts. Suffice it to say, our holiday was delicious in every way. And now its time to get back to business and back on the diet!

Stay tuned for some new and healthy recipes this week. I don't know about you, but I'm certainly feeling the need to detox a bit and return to a more simple - and sugar-free - way of eating!

Long-time readers will recall that this Diva is not prone to making resolutions. This year is no different - though I am planning to learn Spanish and have promised myself I'll finally get around to that blog redesign I've been planning for a year now. Only time will tell!

So, have you made an resolutions for the year? Or are you firmly in the non-resolution camp? Curious Diva wants to know.

Bon appetit!