Turkey Tacos

Even though we didn't prepare a Thanksgiving feast this year, we still cooked a turkey because we couldn't miss out on our favorite leftover: Turkey Tacos!! By now, your turkeys may already be gone, but just in case anyone is cooking a turkey for Christmas, I thought I'd get this recipe up so you can enjoy the leftovers too!

Click here for printable recipe. 

Turkey Tacos
by Trisha

The Ingredients:
Cooking Oil (vegetable or olive oil is up to you)
Leftover turkey, shredded (a mix, but mostly dark meat for flavor)
3 medium potatoes, diced
1 medium yellow onion, chopped
salt & pepper
poultry seasoning (optional)
sharp cheddar cheese
taco shells (home fried or store bought)

I use my Cuisinart to quickly shred the leftover turkey. Remember that the dark meat is the best for flavor because it has the most fat in it.

Begin by frying the potatoes and onion in oil at medium high heat.

When browned, add seasonings to taste.

Add the turkey to the browned
potato and onion mixture and fry
the turkey (close up photo gives a visual of how
browned I like it).

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Remove taco meat from heat, scoop into taco shells, and top with cheese.

Place a single plate of tacos or a large bar pan of tacos into the oven to melt cheese and brown taco shells. It only takes a few minutes, so keep an eye on it.

Serve it up and enjoy your leftovers!! (can be served as seen or add lettuce and tomato or salsa).