Thirsty Thursdays: Jagermeister Redux Edition

Sometimes inspiration can arrive in the strangest of places ... say on my doorstep in the form of a gigantic box!

While I am expecting all manner of deliveries this week, one thing I wasn't expecting was the host of Jager-ific treats that showed up chez Diva yesterday afternoon. Nor was I expecting to answer my door, which is why I greeted the FedEx guy while clad in my pjs. (Bright blue snowflakes, by the way. Don't judge, its flippin' cold here this week and these jays are toasty warm.) Oops! But, I digress.

Seems the good folks at Jagermeister and Sidney Frank Importing took notice of my Jagermeister post this past October and saw fit to send me a little thank you gift. Color me surprised and delighted!

Fresh out of ideas and way behind in my holiday shopping, I hadn't really planned on a Thirsty Thursdays post for this week - Jagermeister to the rescue. Consider this my thank you for your thank you!

I've taken this recipe from the newly redesigned Jagermeister site and its just perfect for the holiday season.

Three Wise Men Cocktail:
  • 1 part Jagermeister
  • 1 part vodka
  • 1 part peppermint schnapps
Fill a martini shaker with ice and over it pour all of the above. Shake well, until the shaker frosts, and strain into a chilled martini glass. If feeling festive, garnish with a small candy cane. Serve and enjoy, repeat as necessary!

A couple of these and you'll be feeling quite merry indeed ... even if you haven't wrapped a single thing.

I'm sorry there's no cocktail photo at present - its a long story. I hope to edit at some point and add one. In the meantime, take a look at the contents of my surprise package: a bottle of Jagermeister, a set of six very nice Jager sipping glasses, a women's sleeveless tee and a men's tee. Wow, what a haul! (And yes, if you look closely, you'll see Diva cat Zelda grooming herself there in the back of the picture ... on my dining room table. Sigh. Is it any wonder I need a drink?!)

Thank you SO much, Lauren, the next round of shots is on me! ~wink~
