Turkey-Day Trivia

We interrupt this regularly scheduled broadcast to present you with a little quiz about Thanksgiving!

Before you get bogged down by turkey and stuffing, and pie, oh my! take a moment and see how much you know about our Thanksgiving....

1) What year was the first Thanksgiving celebrated?

2) Name at least one Native American who helped the Pilgrims survive their first year.

3) What foods that are traditionally part of our Thanksgiving meals were NOT eaten at the first Thanksgiving?

4) When did the US first celebrate Thanksgiving as a country? When did it become a federal holiday?

5) When do our Canadian friends to the north celebrate Thanksgiving?

6) Who was the woman largely responsible for the establishment of Thanksgiving as a federal holiday in the US?

7) Which president moved the Thanksgiving holiday to the 3rd Thursday in November? Why did he make this switch?

8) Which two American football teams play on Thanksgiving day?

9) Which president began than annual Thanksgiving eve turkey pardon? What happens to the pardoned turkey?

10) Since 2003, the US public has played a role in the annual turkey pardon. Name at least 1 turkey that has been pardoned since 2003.

11) According the a 1998 pole, what percentage of American families say a prayer of Thanksgiving before eating their feast?

12) Name three "American" traditions that take place on Thanksgiving.

13) Which NFL team hosted the first Thanksgiving day game? In what year was this game hosted?

Answers will be posted on Thanksgiving day (no, I won't be online, but automatic posting is brilliant. Thanks, Google. What was my life like before you?), so you can share your newly-acquired knowledge with your friends and family.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!! We have so much to be thankful for, and such a great One to be Thankful to!!

I'll be back on Black Friday (because I won't be going shopping) with details about how my first experience cooking a turkey turned out :)