Tidying the Kitchen

Hello, dear readers.

I just had to pop in and say....


Although I've only had a chance to try one thing, I am already in love.

This weekend, I found apples for $0.33 a pound. My hubby ran to the store to get them, since I was still feeling yucky, and with them I was able to make apple chips.

These apple chips are wonderful - really wonderful. They are crunchy, yet look appetizing.


I'm in love.

8ish apples, 8ish hours in the dehydrator = yumminess. These apple chips are not soaked in sugar water like one of my other recipes, and get much better texture and crunch than when I made dried apples in the oven. Plus, I can dry more apples at a time and use my oven to do other things rather than have it be out of commission all day long.

I'm looking forward to trying fruit leathers, and other types of fruit!!

Besides that, we're moving a bit slowly in the kitchen this week. I hope that I'll be able to get up a recipe from the Food Network Chef's Cooking Challenge later today..., but I make no guarantees. With being ill for a week, I'm a little behind, and, unfortunately, my dissertation work has to take priority over my cooking.

Hope everyone has a blessed day... see you back here later for a yummy-looking recipe from the Food Network Chef, Claire Robertson!