Odds and Ends-Thanksgiving Prep Edition

As you may have noticed, I've been MIA for a few days. My DSL modem conked out on Thursday - seems the Connectivity Gods have not been smiling on me of late. Its frustrating to say the least.

I'm behind in posting and way, way behind on my Thanksgiving prep. How can it be that the holiday is next week? Is that a joke? Did I miss the punch line?! Well, the joke's going to be on me ... or rather my guests ... if I don't get to work. So work, I will. Today will be dedicated to making my mother in laws's famous pork stuffing and Wednesday will be devoted to make-ahead gravy. Both items will take up residence in my freezer, once completed, and perhaps then I'll finally feel like I've got the holiday prep under control ... or at least begun!

Making a batch of flavorful gravy ahead of time is just one of my tricks for a less-stressed holiday. Let's be honest, people really like gravy - and I'm always worried that there won't be enough for everyone, so I make a LOT. Of course, I'll still make gravy on Thanksgiving day itself; I'll add it to my defrosted version and before you know it we'll all be swimming in gravy. More importantly, there will be plenty leftover for reheats.

I'll be posting the make-ahead recipe later in the week, perhaps on Thursday, after I've had a chance to snap a few pics. In the meantime, I thought I might direct you to some my other holiday offerings from last year:

Pumpkin Cranberry Bread - A simple and delicious quick bread that's just perfect for Thanksgiving morning

Pumpkin Pecan Waffles - The miraculous result of some leftover pumpkin puree

Glorious Gravy - A discussion of my Grandma's unusual method for making gravy

Its off to the kitchen for me ... what about you? Are you knee-deep in holiday prep? Do you like to cook in advance and get a jump start on the festivities? Tell me about what you'll be cooking this week for Thanksgiving ... curious Diva wants to know!