Cheese Lovers Mac 'N' Cheese

Cheese Lovers Mac 'N' Cheese

It is lights out for a few days here on More Than Burnt Toast. I am headed to San Francisco!! I will be touring the city with a ferry ride to Sausalito included (any thoughts on where to eat in Sausalito?); indulging myself with a "foodie" tour of Little Italy; am invited to Chef Michael Mina’s newest outpost RN74 as guests of The Mushroom Council;and also headed to dinner at Contigo a star on the culinary scene with blogging friends old and new. Of course there is the conference itself where there is a line up of amazing activities and speakers. All in all I am looking forward to these next few days with anticipation!!!! It will be fun to meet a lot of the bloggers that we visit each and every day.

I am headed to San Francisco as a guest speaker at BlogHer Food. I will be speaking as a part of a panel about BloggerAid-Changing the Face of Famine and "How Blogs Can Save the World", along with Genie of The Inadvertent Gardener and The Hunger Challenge, Lydia of The Perfect Pantry and Drop In & Decorate as well as Pim of Chez Pim and Menu for Hope.

Before I head south I leave you with a very comforting dish that was part of the Ultimate Recipe Showdown Comfort Foods. The winner of the competition was Rick Massa with his Cheese Lovers 5 Cheese Mac and Cheese . I found the recipe on Emily's site Sugar Plum. "Our" girl was there and did so well in the competition!!!! I have wanted to make this for a while but had to wait until the cooler weather arrived....weeeellllllllll here it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The mac 'n' cheese was heavenly...and such comfort food on these cooler evenings. So, off to the city and I look forward to catching up with you all when I get back. In the meantime check out these other mac 'n' cheese recipes..........

White on Rice Couple - One Pot, Stove Top, Creamy Mac and Cheese
Mushroom Channel - Mushroom Mac 'n' Cheese with Mustard Greens
BlogHer - Homemade Macaroni and Cheese
Cooking Light - Three-Cheese Macaroni and Cheese