Kitchen Tip Tuesday

I've never participated in a Kitchen Tip Tuesday before, mainly because I have more to learn than contribute! But, I did come up with what I think is a great kitchen tip that I want to share today. Maybe some of you know other ways to deal with this problem, but I tried this over the weekend and it worked beautifully!

Do any of you struggle with cutting sweet potatoes?!?!

I have tried a variety of different knives, but I always end up with a sore hand and having nearly avoiding cutting my fingers off after attempting to slice sweet potatoes, especially for sweet potato fries -- some we love around here.

My solution? No fancy kitchen tools here...

Simply microwave the potato, depending on the size, for 1-2 minutes. Just enough to take some of the hardness out of the sweet potato... it makes cutting them much, much easier.

Don't cook them so long that they're cooked (i.e., like a butter knife through butter) -- that doesn't work for fries, but just enough to make cutting them manageable!!!

Any other tips for cutting sweet potatoes into fries? I'm all ears.