Egg Wraps

Eggs are tasty when wrapped up in a whole wheat tortilla! The egg wrap is so versatile ... you can go traditional eggs, meat, cheese, or you can toss in veggies for more of a garden wrap. I love eggs, peppers and cheese!

Egg Wrap - Snow White
(makes 1 wrap; you can easily increase the fillings for more)

1-3 eggs (or egg whites, or a combo of the two)
1/8 C cheese, shredded (your choice)
1/2 - 1 C fillings (diced peppers and onions, ham, tomatoes, broccoli, etc.)
1 tortilla

Prepare fillings and saute in a large frying pan for 5 minutes, or until done to your liking.

While fillings are cooking, scramble eggs and add pepper, if desired.

When fillings are ready, add egg to the pan and cook a few minutes until the egg is set.

Top with cheese and cover to allow cheese to melt.

Transfer to a warmed tortilla and enjoy!

You may serve with salsa for an additional treat!

Served up for Scrumptious Sunday Recipe Swap!