Arugula & White Bean Dip for Earth Hour!!!!

Anna of Morsels & Musings from Sydney, Australia has brought to our attention about Earth Hour with her event here. At 8:30pm on Saturday, March 28th millions of people from around the world will unite and switch off their lights for one hour..... Earth Hour. This event is a global public awareness campaign about the effects of climate change and Anna is personally involved in the project in Australia.

In 2009, Earth Hour will take place in more than 80 countries around the world, proving that climate change really is a global threat and that it will take all of us to work together to solve it. Anna would like to throw a challenge out to all bloggers to take part in an Earth Hour food blogging event and cook a recipe that you can enjoy by candle light and that has a low carbon footprint (ie made from locally sourced ingredients and minimal packaging). Blog your recipe from now until 8:29pm on Saturday 28 March (in your time zone), then at 8:30pm switch off your lights, your computer, your non-essential appliances, take everything off standby and join the world in one hour of beautiful candle light for Earth Hour!!!!

Other ways you can support Earth Hour:

Turn off your lights and non-essential appliances at 8:30pm on Saturday 28 March

Sign up online at

Encourage friends, family and colleagues to participate and sign-up

Host a Earth Hour logo and hyperlink on your blog- Check out the downloads from your country’s Earth Hour website and learn about other ways you can get involved

And even if you decide not to participate in the blogging event, please sign up for Earth Hour:

For Earth Hour I decided that I would make a light meal that I could enjoy by candlelight and leaves a small carbon imprint on my area of the world. This bean dip requires opening the can. The rocket used comes from a local greenhouse or in the summer months from our gardens or the farmers markets. The naan bread comes from a local bakery too. The dip requires no cooking!!! I will serve it with a generous helping of Tabbouleh, some local goat cheese from Carmelis, and some smoked sausages, pate's and terrines from Oyama Meats.

**Arugula and White Bean Dip with Spiced Flat Bread**
recipe based on one found at

2 x 400g cans cannellini beans, rinsed, drained
1/4 cup (60ml) extra virgin olive oil
75g arugula (rocket)
1 clove garlic, crushed
1/4 cup (60ml) lemon juice
1 package Middle Eastern flat bread

Olive oil, for brushing
1/4 cup (30g) za'atar
1/3 cup (50g) pine nuts, roasted
Finely grated rind of 1 lemon

Combine beans and 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil in a large bowl. Using a potato masher, mash to a paste. Finely chop 50g arugula. Add to bean mixture with garlic and lemon juice and mash until well combined. Season to taste with salt and pepper. (Dip can be made up to this stage and refrigerated in an airtight container until ready to serve. Return to room temperature before serving).

When ready to serve preheat your barbecue. Brush Middle Eastern breads with a little olive oil and sprinkle with za'atar. Grill for up to 5-8 minutes or until crisp, depending on how you enjoy it. Cut into thin wedges. Spoon dip on to a plate. Combine remaining extra virgin olive oil, rocket and pine nuts in a small bowl then scatter over dip with lemon rind. Serve with spiced flat bread wedges.

Serves 10