Frozen Hot Chocolate

We're a pretty die hard family when it comes to our food. We like finding good restaurants, we like making our own good food, and best of all we like EATING good food! A couple of years ago we planned a trip to NYC. We kept hearing all this commotion about this famous restaurant called Serendipity and their amazing frozen hot chocolates. We made our reservations weeks in advance and looked forward with great anticipation to the day when we would finally get to try out this Oprah endorsed treat. We were a little disheartened when we woke up that morning and saw that it was -15° that day. Yes--that would be fifteen degrees BELOW zero! Lesser men, women, and children would've decided that some real HOT hot chocolate would've been more appropriate, but not us! We traipsed through the cold, windy streets of NYC and got to taste the stuff legends are made of.

Totally worth the beaucoup bucks and frozen noses!

Then we got back home and were on a mission to recreate it here in our own kitchen. Here's our version. Keep in mind that the better chocolate you use the more heavenly it will be!

The ingredients:

(ignore the Ferrero Rochers in there--they didn't work)

6 half-ounce pieces of a variety of your favorite chocolates
2 tsp. store bought hot chocolate mix

1-1/2 Tbs. sugar

1-1/2 cups milk

3 cups ice

Whipped cream

Chocolate shavings

Chop the chocolate into small pieces and place it in the top of a double boiler (we made one with metal bowl that fit over a sauce pan) over simmering water, stirring occasionally until melted.

Add the cocoa and sugar, stirring constantly until thoroughly blended. Remove from heat and slowly add 1/2 cup of the milk and stir until smooth.

Cool to room temperature.

In a blender place the remaining cup of milk, the room temperature chocolate mixture, and the ice.

Blend on high speed until smooth and the consistency of a frozen daiquiri.

Pour into a giant goblet (we don't own any giant goblets) and top with whipped cream and chocolate shavings. Don't drink the whole thing yourself! Makes 4 normal sized servings or two Serendipity sized ones.
