About Finding Joy in My Kitchen

About SnoWhite and Frog Prince

Hi, I'm SnoWhite!  I've been married to Frog Prince for three and a half years.  During 2010, Frog Prince and I completed our PhDs.  We use those degrees during our day jobs... but, in the evenings, we enjoy spending our time in the kitchen!

We picked up cooking as a hobby during graduate school, motivated to find a way to manage my food allergy while cooking healthy, easy meals on a budget.  We started with an apple pie {not the easiest place to start, but, alas, that's where we began} and from there we quickly learned that cooking from scratch was not only easy but it was fun too.

While we both love to cook, most of the cooking at our place is done by me, SnoWhite.  Frog Prince adds the spices and cooks with more spontaneity than I, the "type-A" chef.

Together, we have found great joy in providing wholesome foods for our family.    

About Finding Joy in My Kitchen

My love of cooking and baking comes from my mom and  my grandmothers, who are excellent cooks.  When I moved 600+ miles away from home and began to start cooking for the first time far away from home, I wanted to share the new recipes I was trying with those who inspired me.  I'd find a new recipe, make it for Frog Prince and I and call my mom to tell her about the recipe.  After a few weeks of me calling her to see if she had actually tried the recipes I would email to her, she confessed that she needed to see the recipe before she would try it.

Turns out, she's not the only one who likes seeing photos of what they are aspiring to make.

I decided to start Finding Joy in My Kitchen during our first year of marriage -- just for my mom.  I began posting recipes we tried, complete with step-by-step photos of the food.  And, you know what?  She started making some of our recipes.  And you did too!

Finding Joy in My Kitchen started as as a place to document our cooking journey; now, it's a ministry to you.  God has taught us much about using the food resources He's given to us to make wise and healthy food choices, and we've found that eating well and cooking from scratch is fun and enjoyable!  It is our hope that as you browse and try these recipes that you too will find joy in cooking food for your family!

Have a recipe you'd like me to try, or interesting in sharing a cooking tip?  I love hearing from you -- please feel free to send me an email, or leave me a comment!