Giz of Equal Opportunity Kitchen and myself Val of More Than Burnt Toast have been promising an ambitious effort. Together with the growing membership of our Social Network BloggerAid-Changing the Face of Famine(currently represented by 18 countries) we would like to wish our entire blogging community a healthy and happy New Year!!!! Food is our medium and taking a role in alleviating world famine is our mission. Please join us on our journey. Over the next short while, we will be unfolding all the details and our wish is that you will share our excitement and help make a difference to our world.
Over the past few months we have hinted at many exciting events for 2009 and together with the aid of our Bloggeraid-Changing the Face of Famine Ambassadors we are working diligently to raise awareness and make a significant contribution. Many of our members have stepped forward and offered to participate. We thank you for your support and will keep you informed about each event in the weeks to come.

Late in 2008 we started our fundraising campaign with a few gift jewelry items created by Giz. This effort will be ongoing with new and seasonal items added on a regular basis. Do visit Bloggeraid-Changing the Face of Famine often as well as Equal Opportunity Kitchen for prices, payment and shipping method to view what's new!!

Now we are ready to begin unfolding our largest fundraiser to date ever!!!!!! The funds we raise will be directed to specific programs of the World Food Programme (WFP), the United Nations frontline agency. The needs are great and choosing a specific effort is currently being negotiated.
We will be publishing a cookbook with 100% of the profit from sales being directed to our chosen agency.
Gloria Chadwick from Cookbook Cuisine , a member of Bloggeraid-CFF, generously came forward with the suggestion of creating a cookbook. Gloria is a Texas native and has been a full-time writer for more than twenty years. She is also a member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors and regularly conducts writing workshops for adults at local libraries and bookstores, where she provides advice on publishing and promoting a variety of books.
Gloria is credited with 27 published books under her belt. The main focus of her books is New Age, encompassing books on meditation and reincarnation. She has also written several reference guides for writers including Recipe for a Cookbook a guideline on how to get your own cookbook published. Her latest project Foods and Flavors of San Antonio (which will be available in March) provides a richly personal armchair tour of local attractions interspersed with Tex-Mex recipes. We really have Gloria to thank for so graciously offering to spearhead this effort!!!!

Who will contribute to this cookbook?
For the next few months we will have a CALL OUT for your recipes, so, stay tuned for more information on how you can contribute in the next week. We are still in the process of finalizing formats and all the small details with the publisher. You will be asked to submit ONE original recipe and to taste test another. So get your thinking caps on!!!!!!!! Yes, YOU could be published in this cookbook!!!!

The cookbook is targeted for sale on Amazon by December 2009. There is a great deal of work involved in delivering this project and we will rely on you to help in any way you can. More of the "how to" details will follow shortly. We will keep you informed every step of the way!!!!

Giz offered us some statistics to think about in the Bloggeraid: Because We Can Help roundup. These statistics on world famine were collected in 2005 so the need is much more serious today.

Our vision is a world which provides for and protects the welfare and human dignity of all of its people. A world in which all children can grow, learn and flourish, developing into healthy, active, caring members of society.

Every 3.6 seconds someone dies of hunger
If you have questions or would like to share your valuable input, please join us at Bloggeraid-Changing the Face of Famine and/or you may contact either Val or Giz at any time.
Happy New Year to all of you and START COOKING!!!