MEME Time......

Lady Raven started this MEME and Jeanne of Cook Sister tagged me in her list. The rules are simple:

List the last 10 people who have commented on your blog.

If you appear on my list, you are tagged and have to do this meme on your own blog too.

So - who were my last ten commenters?

10) anudivya
9) FoodJunkie
8) kittie
7) The Short (dis)Order Cook
6) Paula
5) Darius T. Williams
4) Rosabela
3) NĂºria
2) Bunny
Jeanne (she tagged me:D)
Dharm (already tagged by Jeanne) Dad- Baker, Chef( UPDATE:as it turns out not tagged, I am confused...this comers from working too many hours, he was actually tagged for something now have 11 commenters....Dharm would have been #2 He is from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
1) Rosie

Now answer the following:

1. What is your favourite post from number 3's blog?

Octopus in Stew from Nuria of Spanish Recipes . She entered and won the "O Foods for Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month" event with this dish. I loved her play on "O" words for this worthy cause and her dish comes a close second!!!

2. Has number 10 taken any pictures that have moved you?

Anudivya of ...and a Little Bit More got me with her photo of Pumpkin Cheesecake Brownies !!!!!These are so droolworthy!!!!!!!

3. Does number 6 reply to comments on their blog?

Paula sure does. Life is really It's All Gouda

4. Which part of blogland is number 2 from?

The very busy Bunny of Bunny's Warm Oven comes from Pennsylvania, USA. She has 5 children and 3 grandkids!!

5. If you could give one piece of advice to number 7 what would it be?

The Short (Dis)Order Cook of The Essential Rhubarb Pie I would encourage to keep doing what she loves.. writing and trying new foods. Someday you may enjoy blue cheese and olives!!

6. Have you every tried something from number 9's blog?

I have only just discovered Food Junkie's site Food Junkie Not Junk Food . Whats' not to love about many delicious Greek and international specialties from someone who loves all things Greek like myself!!!!

7. Has number 1 blogged something that inspired you?

Rosie of Rosie Bakes a "Peace" of Cake is from Lincolnshire, England where my parents grew up. She inspires me every day with her baking and her blog where "everything is lovingly created." How about a slice of Sour Cream Coffee Cake with Maple Drizzle Icing !!!!

8. How often do you comment on number 4's blog?

Rosabella of Cooking with Rosie in Regensburg is from my old stomping grounds of Ontario and now lives in Bavaria, Germany. We have only just recently met but I am glad I found her or vise versa. I comment whenever I am online.

9. Do you wait for number 8 to post excitedly?

Kittie of Kittens in the Kitchen always has delicious recipes. I am looking forward to her trip through Asia where she will blog about her adventures and the wonderful foods she will try. An avid traveller myself I will look forward to her posts!!!

10. How did number 5's blog change your life?

Darius of Food is My Life has overcome a less than ideal childhood he mentions here and has realized that you measure your life by its rewards and not its challenges. It makes me grateful for the loving family that I grew up with.

11. Do you know any of the 10 bloggers in person?

No...but I would like to meet them someday and swap food and laughter!!

12. Do any of your 10 bloggers know each other in person?

I don't think so???

13. Out of the 10, which updates more frequently?

I'd have to say Nuria...hands down!!!!

14. Which of the 10 keep you laughing?

Once again Nuria with her spoons and whisks!!!!

15. Which of the 10 has made you cry (good or bad tears)?

They all make me cry that I can't make each and everyone of their dishes. I'd be a slave to the kitchen...and we can't have that!!!!

"So there you have it - my dearly beloved recent commenters! I've shown you mine - now show me yours ;-) as Jeanne says!!!!"