A MEME and Awards

N33ma of Recipe Swap tagged me for a 7 Things MEME as well as handed out a myriad of awards. I wanted to pass out these awards to a few of the bloggers that I visit whenever I can. It is always a chore to choose only a few bloggers to receive these awards as I always feel like there are so many more of you who deserve them. The friendships created are what make blogging rewarding and these awards are just a small token of my appreciation. It is a busy time of year but you may choose to forward these awards on or cherish them for yourselves. I won't be offended either way. So here we go.........

7 Things I Say More Often:

1. Whatever happens happens
2. Okay then...
3. Do you want to come over for dinner?
4. Sorry can't make it I have to work.
5. Only ____ more paycheques till Christmas.
6. Yay the weekend......
7. Would you like to go for a drive, walk, hike?

7 Things I Did Before:(before what?)

1. Sew
2. Hitchiked across the country
3. Taken cooking classes on an island in Greece and here in British Columbia
4. Snorkelled in many different countries
5. Cliff dived in Jamaica
6. Hanglided
7. Jigged for squid and deep sea fishing

7 Things I Do Now:

1. Blog
2. Have dinner with friends...hopefully with a Bellini or two or a nice glass of wine
3. Invite my daughter and her boyfriend for dinner
4. Polewalk
5. Raise awareness for the millions of hungry in the world through blogging events
6. Dream of my next vacation
7. Watch the Food Network

7 Things I Want to Do:

1. Travel to Greece again and again...so much to see and do...
2. Meet some of my blogging friends in Greece, Spain, the States, Malaysia.... etc
3. Take cooking vacations in many different countries of the world
4. Find my niche
5. Find the perfect job for me
6. Travel with the ladies from Astra Tours to Crete, or rent a villa in Italy
7. Go whale watching

7 Things That Attract me About the Opposite Sex:(for my daughter of course:D)

1. Treats you with respect
2. Kind and thoughtful
3. Sense of humour
4. Family orientated
5. Loves to travel
6. Loves to cook
7. Does housework or hires a maid...wink...wink...

7 Favorite Foods:

1. Dolmades
2. Perogies
3. Avgolomeno soup
4. Spanakopita
5. Potatoes any old way but....especially Poutine
6. Vanilla Creme Brulee
7. Chocolate covered almonds

Drum roll please...........................................

Peter G of Souvlaki for the Soul
Jeanne of Cooksister
Deeba of Passionate About Baking
Marie of A Year at Oak Cottage
Sylvia at La Vida en Buenos Aires

Marye of Baking Delights
Judy at No Fear Entertaining
Dharm of Dad-Baker, Chef
Honey B of Life and Loves of Grumpy's Honeybunch
Nikki of Canarygirl

Jenn from Leftover Queen
Hannah of Hannah's Country Kitchen
Ben of What's Cooking
Sandie of Inn Cuisine
Heather of Gild the (Voodoo)lilly

Ivy of Kopiaste
Nuria of Spanish Recipes
Giz and Psychgrad of Equal Opportunity Kitchen
Paula of It's All Gouda
Helene of La Cuisine d'Helene
Gloria of Canelas Kitchen

Susan of Food Blogga
Nina of My Easy Cooking
Inge Vanielje's Kitchen
Susan of Sticky, Creamy, Gooey, Chewy
Maria of Organically Cooked