And the Angel Award Goes to........Chez Pim

I was humbled and left literally speechless when Giz and I received this award designed by Gloria from Cookbook Cuisine ,one of our members on the Social Network BloggerAid-Changing the Face of Famine .

The You're an Angel award was created and bestowed upon the 3 of us for our development of Bloggeraid and raising awareness for those less fortunate than ourselves. Each of us brings a particular skill or passion to the table as do each of you. By joining Bloggeraid you have joined us in this cause to raise awareness and ultimately funds through donations and fundraisers. Gloria says, " To me, Ivy, Giz, and Val are angels because they're doing something more than paying lip service. They're doing something very real and tangible to help feed the hungry."

Gloria is a writer with 27 published books. She says, "We're all travelers through this earth experience we call life. As we journey though our experiences, it's important to remember who we really are." Her main focus is New Age which encompasses books on meditation and reincarnation. She has also written several reference guides for writers along with a few cookbooks too ladies and gents. Her blogs remind me of a saying that I used to mold my life by "The joy is in the journey and not at the end of the road". Not to bore you with too much detail but I have lost my way the past few years but hope to find that inner peace once again.

1. The rules of this award are not to be taken lightly--which means you can't give it to someone just because they did something really sweet for you.

2. This award is to be given to bloggers that have shown they are angels by doing something humanitarian and heavenly to help others.

3. You don't have to receive the award in order to give it. Feel free to copy it and bestow it on someone who is worthy of it. If you think they're an angel, they probably are.

4. The award must be linked to a post about an organization or good cause you would like more people to be aware of.

5. The rules for this award are to be shown when giving the award.
Our forum was founded as a place to chat with others and move towards a concrete initiative in raising awareness for the 862 million undernourished people around the globe including those even in our own area of the world. Our ultimate goal with this initiative is to work towards raising funds for the World Food Programme (WFP), the United Nations frontline agency. We have only just begun!!!!! My personal goal would be to travel to Rome and hand over a substantial cheque to the WFP in 2009.
Over 90 percent of the world's hungry are prisoners of poverty. They are too poor to buy enough food. They spend all their time and energy trying to survive. WFP's innovative projects not only put food on the tables of the weakest and poorest (jobless mothers, school children, landless farmers and HIV orphans)but they also help the hungry to secure food and an income for themselves. This enables them to break out of the cycle of the poverty trap and build a sustainable future for themselves, their family and their communities. In 2007, WFP development projects benefitted 23.8 million people worldwide.

I would like to pass this award on to Pim of Chez Pim. Five years ago, the devastating tsunami in Southeast Asia inspired Pim to find a way to help, and the very first Menu for Hope was born. The campaign has since become a yearly affair, raising funds to support worthy causes worldwide. In 2006, Menu for Hope raised over $62,000 to help the World Food Programme , the United Nations' frontline agency. For two weeks every December, food bloggers from all over the world join the campaign by offering a delectable array of food-related prizes for the Menu for Hope raffle. Check back on her blog in December for details of this years campaign.