Barbequed Spiced Lamb Sliders

If you wait long enough the foods you remember from your childhood (that perhaps you were embarrassed to admit you loved) will eventually morph into something chic? In some very upscale establishments I have seen versions of "good 'ol" mac 'n cheese, shepherds pie and even stew. If you live in the States you may recall sliders from the White Castle. They have been transformed into something trendy in a lot of establishments.

White Castle restaurant was first founded in 1921 in Wichita, Kansas making it the oldest American hamburger/ fast food restaurant chain. I have never been to a White Castle Restaurant since it didn't reach Canada (as far as I know) but I have seen them advertised on the American channels on TV. They are credited with the invention of "the kitchen as an assembly line" which gave way to the fast food phenomenon we know today. It is known for square burgers (but so is Wendy's), sometimes referred to as "sliders" (officially spelled and trademarked as "Slyders").They were priced at five cents a burger until the 1940s, and remained at a cost of ten cents for years. To keep the costs down they grew smaller....and smaller....and smaller!!!!! I was always curious about where the name slider came from and now I know.

You see sliders on a lot of restaurant menus these days with tuna, lobster, chicken and beef....whatever they choose I guess. These diminutive mini burgers are packed with flavour in all of their two bites. I am on a burgerless bun fact these sliders are wrapped in lettuce. The lettuce and yogurt sauce also cut down on the heat if you choose to use the full 1-1/2 teaspoons of curry paste the recipe asks for. I don't recall where this recipe came from and I have altered it to suit my tastes over the years so copyrighters take note.

Before I get to the recipe I want to thank Judy of No Fear Entertaining for passing this award on to me. I sincerely appreciate any thoughtfulness or accolade that is sent my way. Just one of the perks of blogging.

Judy is braving the hurricanes down in the orange State of Florida along with several other blogging friends. Our thoughts are always with you guys. It is amazing how similar our taste in food is so if you haven't had a chance to visit Judy then move on over.

1) Add the logo of the award to your blog.
2) Add a link to the person who awarded it to you (as shown above).
3) Nominate at least seven other blogs.
4) Add links to those blogs on your blog.
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.

There are so many wonderful blogs that I try to follow on a daily basis. It is so hard to choose that I decided to choose the first 7 people who commented on my last post. They are all people whose blogs I follow faithfully. I am one of their groupies!!!!

That Girl of Paved Paved with Good Intentions
Marye of Baking Delights
Cathy of Noble Pig
Now back to your originally scheduled broadcast. These lamb sliders are a lighter version because once again Val makes burgers without the bun. I use lettuce to wrap it instead.

**Barbecued Spiced Lamb Sliders"

1/3 cup medium bulgur
1/3 lb ground lamb
1/3 lb lean ground beef
1/2 medium onion , grated
2 -4 garlic cloves , minced
1/4 cup fresh mint , finely chopped (or 1 tsp dried mint)
1/2 to 1- 1/2 teaspoons red curry paste (I used only 1/2 tsp and it plenty spicy for me)
3/4 teaspoon ground cumin
1/4 teaspoon ground coriander
1/2 medium cucumber , grated, squeezed dry(about 1/2 cup)
1/3 cup low-fat plain yogurt , Greek style
1/4 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper
12 large lettuce leaves
1 medium tomato , chopped, about 1/2 cup
Soak bulgur in 1/3 cup hot water for 1 hour.
Combine the bulgur and the next 9 ingredients and then chill, covered for 30 minutes.
Mix cucumber, yogurt and pepper in a small bowl and season with salt.
Preheat the grill to medium-high.
Shape the meat mixture into 12 balls and flatten into thick mini burgers and season with salt.
Grill patties 4-8 minutes, turning once, until thermometer inserted registers 160 degrees F.
Wrap each burger in a lettuce leaf and serve with yogurt sauce and tomato.