Zucchini Pesto Lasagna

With all the talk about why we blog another reason comes to mind besides sharing great recipes and culminating friendships around the world. I visit your blogs also for inspiration. One kind hearted blogger I love to visit would be Ben from What's Cooking with all his delicious and inspiring dishes. In my search for innovative recipes (other than the ratatouille of previous years) to use up my overabundance of zucchini I came across Ben's recipe for Zucchini Mexican Lasagna. It reminded me of a recipe I had bookmarked that wouldn't require yet another trip to the grocery store and I could use ingredients readily available in my fridge. The added bonus here being it would use some of that zucchini!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did I already say that...
I am on a mission to find as many out of the ordinary dishes to use that zucchini as I can. Join me in my quest. Your mission....if you so choose to accept it...would have us sharing and cooking up a storm with all those green submarines that sprout in our gardens. If only I had a source for zucchini blossoms...sigh.....

This particular recipe comes from Homestead Farms in Maryland. They have so many wonderful recipes on their site so check it out when you can. This is a nice light version of lasagna. It does not necessarily photograph well but it sure was tasty!!!

**Zucchini Pesto Lasagna**

1/2 lb. dried imported Italian lasagna
1 cup pesto
16 oz. fresh ricotta cheese, let stand to room temperature
1/2 cup plain non-fat yogurt
6 medium or 8 small zucchini
1 28-oz. can imported Italian crushed tomatoes
3 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped
2 tbs. olive oil
freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese
8-10 fresh basil leaves, cut into julienne
Saute garlic in olive oil in lidded sauce pan until garlic is pale gold. Add tomatoes and salt and pepper to taste and simmer partially covered for 25 minutes.

Cook lasagna according to package directions. Rinse in cold water. Drain on towels.

Blanch zucchini in abundant salted boiling water for 6 to 8 minutes (according to size of zucchini). Rinse under cold water. Slice lengthwise in 1/4 in. strips.

Combine pesto, ricotta and yogurt and blend until smooth.

Take a 9 in. x 13 in. glass baking dish and spread a small amount of tomato sauce over the bottom. Place a layer of lasagna noodles next, then spread 1/2 pesto-ricotta mixture over the noodles. Next, make a layer of zucchini strips. Spread tomato sauce over the zucchini, then add another layer of lasagna noodles. Spread the remaining pesto-ricotta mixture over the noodles, then make another layer of zucchini strips. Spread tomato sauce over the zucchini, then add another layer of lasagna noodles. Top with tomato sauce. Sprinkle with grated cheese.

Cover with aluminum foil and bake at 400 degrees for 20 minutes. Remove foil and return to oven until golden brown on top (about 5-10 minutes). Let stand 10 minutes before serving. Serve with remaining tomato sauce. Garnish with additional grated cheese and julienned basil leaves.

Serves 8 to 10.