New Potato Salad with Mint

With the lamb chops the other night we needed the simplest of dishes to compliment this Greek inspired dish. This simple potato salad fit the bill with its hint of mint, splash of good quality olive oil and zing of lemon!! It is just so simple and flavourful to not try over and over again!!!

This brings me back to my childhood when my mom would put sprigs of fresh mint in the saucepan with the tiny new potatoes freshly dug from the garden. I'm not sure if there is anything better!!

** New Potato Salad with Mint**

800g new potatoes
Good bunch of fresh mint
Good glug of extra-virgin olive oil
Squeeze of lemon juice

Wash the potatoes, then place them into a saucepan and cover with cold water. Add the mint leaves. Bring to the boil and cook for 15-20 minutes until just tender. Drain well, discarding the mint, and put the potatoes into a bowl. Add a good glug of olive oil, a squeeze of lemon juice and plenty of freshly ground black pepper and sea salt, and toss well. Serve them warm or at room temperature.