Cafe Valerie...My 1st Blog-versary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cafe Valerie in Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire, England (there really is such a place)

Today is February 2nd. What is so special about this day in the scheme of things? is my 1 year blog-versary. Yay!!!! I feel as though I have been blogging for years; learning by trial and error ,but, with so much still to learn and to develop. With the help of many of you out there I have developed my blog into what it is today. Not just with technical support but with friendships and fresh ideas.

... an entire year of opening my mind to new adventures in the culinary world
... an entire year of opening myself up to new ingredients and challenges
....and an entire year of cultivating new friendships throughout the blogging world.

There has not been a day that has gone by that I have not come across something new, fresh and exciting whether it be a new recipe, ingredient or idea. In our busy every day lives it is special to be a part of a group of so many like-minded individuals who share a passion for "good food, good friends and good times". I want to thank each and every one of you for your daily encouragement, support and friendship. I am truly blessed.

Today I have also been tagged by my friend Mary over at her creative blog Shazam in the Kitchen. We both took ballet for 7 years when we were young 'uns , we both like to sing...wink...wink...and we have broken a thing or two. If you have not visited her blog before please do. She has some amazing and inspiring dishes. I have been tagged many a time, but, I will try and dig deep.

These are the rules:

Link to your tagger and post these rules.

Share 5 facts about yourself

Tag 5 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).

Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment at their Blogs.

1) Three years ago I had a spiral fracture of my right leg and sprained my left ankle while hiking on Saltspring Island in the Gulf Islands off the Vancouver coast. It was an easy hike, really only just a lookout over the ocean...not wearing proper shoes..the rest is history. Three months off of work...bored to tears....couldn't forgotten.

2) If I committed a crime...if I were caught committing a last meal would start off with an appetizer of dolmades, which I eat like candy, a plate of cheddar cheese and onion perogies, corn on the cob and garden meat required. Sigh!

3) I support anything local. I purchase only British Columbia wines (except for the time when we had a Greek dinner and a bottle of Boutari was on the table) . I believe in supporting the local economy. Sorry all you other wonderful wine producing regions!!!!

4) I have 3 jobs....I have worked for a doctors office for 11 years, 5 days a week. As an aside to that I also work for a research company that does clinical trials for the big drug companies...I also work at a pizza place...making the best pizza's out there!!! When does she have time for blogging and a life you say???? I manage very well thank you!! Before this I was a stay at home mom for 11 years.

5) Housecleaning is my nemesis. Nemesis (sometimes called fate) - in classical mythology, Nemesis was the Goddess of Divine Retributive Justice or Vengeance. Written with a small letter, the term means a rival or opponent who cannot be overcome. It also means any situation or condition that one cannot change or triumph over and an agent or act of punishment. Fittingly it is a Greek term meaning “retribution” and nemein, meaning “to deal out” or “dispense.” ....enough said. Blah!

If you are tagged just check out my answers if that is as far as you want to participate. There is certainly no obligation whatsoever. I have tagged many of you before. In our busy lives we can choose to participate or not, whatever you like I won't be offended.

Rosie at Rosie Bakes a "Peace" of Cake
Helene of La Cuisine d'Helene
Ivy of Kopiaste

Anj of Gulf Coast Gram

Gloria of Canela's Kitchen