Salsa Cheddar Chicken por favor!!!!!

Today seems like it might be an interesting day. When I first logged onto my blog the Dashboard features were all in German. Good thing I know my way around here like the back of my hand or I would have been lost. It reminded me of was it was like trying to set up an MSN account for someone when we were in Cuba and it was all in Spanish. I really need to learn more languages fluently..perhaps that can be a resolution for 2008. I need to be able to converse in other languages more than just saying "please", "thank you", "your welcome", "how much is this?" and "small portions please"!!!!

This recipe comes from Food Network star Mike Smith of "Chef at Home" and "Chef at Large". He brings an international flavour to dishes from his home in the Maritimes. His recipes always include a bit of this and a bit of that, so, perhaps that is why I enjoy his "down home" cooking!!

During the week there is barely enough time to peel a potato, so, this easy and simple dish shows up fairly often. What an easy and delicious way to have chicken on a busy weeknight!!

**Salsa Cheddar Chicken**

A splash of vegetable oil
4 x boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1 cup or so of salsa
1 cup or so of cheddar cheese, grated

Preheat oven to 375°F.

Heat a large sauté pan over medium-high heat.
Add oil and when it just starts to smoke, add chicken.
Sear it until it is well browned, flip and sear the other side.
Place browned chicken in a 9" x 13" baking pan.
Spoon the salsa over the breasts.
Sprinkle the cheddar over top and bake for 15-20 minutes, until chicken is cooked through and cheese has melted.

Easy...yes!! bet!!!

Serves 4