Have a Safe and Happy Hallowe'en!!!!

Have Fun!!!

My daughter is the creative talent behind our pumpkin carving these days. When she was young she marveled at my pumpkin creations with gourds for eyes and ears. Like many things she has surpassed and outshone me for years !! Of course she is away at university this year..so this is last years creation. It is a guy crawling out of the pumpkin one foot and one hand first. Spooky!!!
For recipes such as Mud Bugs with Aioli, Slime Dip with Cumin, Tossed to the Winds Salad, The Devil's Black Martini and Eye of Newt Salad go to the side bar of this blog. Look under Favourites and click onto another section called More Than Burnt Toast. This was my original outlet on CD's Kitchen for organizing my recipes. On the side bar of that blog look under the section Hallowe'en and there are many different spook-tacular recipes for a crazy and fun Hallowe'en night!!