Tartiflette...a Recipe Dedication....

Before I move on to my next post with my dish I created for Pinktober I must tell you about Aimee over at Under The High Chair . Aimee is a young mom from Quebec. I love her creative dishes, beautiful photos and posts. I always look to see what she is up to whenever I can. I love the way she says ,"Her toddler scorns her efforts. So, she has created her blog as a necessary outlet for her creative juices and to showcase what is ultimately under the high chair." Wink...wink....

Well Aimee knows that I love potatoes.... I post about them often enough. She dedicated a dish to me!!!! She is just too sweet. I almost fell off my chair when I saw the dish because it is exactly something that I would love to make or better yet have made for me. It is called a Tartiflette and has an entire round of cheese melted over top. It is just the BEST recipe for potatoes I have seen in a long time!!!! Check out Aimee's Tartiflette .

It will boggle your mind and is certainly droolworthy!!!!

The photo is taken of my daughter in the Haliburtons when she was in kindergarten.