Baked Potatoes with Roasted Garlic

Our talented Deb over at recently did a piece on the potato. She and I think a lot alike because I have had the potato on my mind and in my post archives for a while. I could not say it better myself so check out her thoughts, recipes and ideas. I agree with her wholeheartedly when she says that the potato is her favourite vegetable. I love potatoes every way known to man and for me they are real comfort food!!!

Growing up in Ontario, with our British background, we would seek out every chip wagon from miles around to get a whiff of those fryers, and, would have fish 'n chips in abundance!!. Dad would cook up potato fritters at the drop of a hat on Sundays right before the "Bugs Bunny Road Runner Hour" and "Walt Disney". I'd have to say though, that my favourite is the Swiss roesti with their shredded little morsels....I need a moment of silence here....

This baked potato is so easy and versatile. You could experiment with the addition of fresh herbs or grated cheeses. It emulates garlic mashed potatoes which are also one of my favourites. To make a nicely crisped skin on a baked potato rub it lightly with oil and sprinkle with salt. Then bake. Enjoy!!!


**Baked Potatoes with Roasted Garlic**

4 whole heads garlic ( I head of garlic per potato)
extra virgin olive oil
4 (about 2-1/4 lbs) Idaho baking potatoes
salt and freshly ground black pepper

Preheat oven to 425F.

Using a sharp knife , score each head of garlic 1 inch from the top, and peel away top inch of skin. Rub heads of garlic lightly with olive oil, and wrap them loosely in aluminum foil.

Scrub the potatoes well, dry them, and prick each several times with a fork. Rub potatoes with olive oil and sprinkle on all sides with salt. This creates a crispier skin when baked in the oven.
Bake garlic and potatoes until garlic is very soft and potatoes are tender, about 1 hour.

With fork pierce the potatoe in an X-shape. Squeeze with clean cloth from both ends towards the centre to "fluff" the inside flesh of the potato. Scrape out flesh into a small bowl. Squeeze flesh from roasted garlic cloves and mix into baked potato flesh along with salt, pepper and olive oil if desired. Return flesh to potato and serve.

Serves 4