"Rustic Apple Tart with Rich Cream Cheese Crust" & In The Bag Event

This weekend I have just been a cooking maniac. This is the third event that I have entered this weekend!!Sometimes I get stuck in creative mode and just don't know when to stop. It just means that we will have interesting and flavourful dishes for a few days. In my busy household sometimes it is wise to cook up a storm on the weekend which helps us get through the work week and into the following weekend..when it starts all over again! I have not been a slave to my stove either. I went to the Dragon Boat Festival downtown yesterday afternoon and to a friends for dinner for a "Ladies Night Out". I am told this is a "hen" night.

I have been itching to make this apple tart for some time now. I have seen it in various magazines with fresh seasonal fruits like peaches, plums, apples and pears. The rich, cream cheese pastry comes together so easily in a food processor. With it's free form shape it is also easy to put together something sensational! I am afraid mine did not look like the magazine covers but don't let it's looks deceive you. It was very tasty with a bit of whipped cream topping ... perhaps ice cream next time.

Julia over at http://asliceofcherrypie.blogspot.com/ and Cherry of http://cherrysenglishkitchen.typepad.com have a monthly "In the Bag Event". This months challenge is to use seasonal fruits. It is hosted this month by Scott over at Real Epicurean http://www.realepicurean.com/. Here in British Columbia what could be more seasonal this time of year but apples. I remember when I was a child, the Sears catalogue had fresh British Columbia apples for purchase at Christmas that you could ship anywhere in the world. We are renowned for our apples, seasonal fruits and wines here in the valley. It seemed a no brainer to incorporate them into this month's event. I added fresh blueberries to the tart as well for a little colour and used cane sugar for sprinkling on top. It would have been nice to add a little ice wine to the whipped cream as well.

**Rustic Apple Tart with Rich Cream Cheese Crust**


2 large tart apples
2 T strained lemon juice
1/4 cup plus 2 T sugar
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon

Rich Cream Cheese Dough:

1/2 cup (4 oz) chilled cream cheese, cut into 6 pieces
1/2 cup chilled unsalted butter, cut into 8 pieces
1 cup all-purpose flour, plus extra for shaping
1/2 cup sugar
1/8 tsp salt

1 large egg yolk, lightly beaten for rim of the crust

Vanilla Whipped Cream:

1-1/2 cups heavy cream, chilled
3 T icing sugar
1 tsp pure vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 400F.

To Make Filling: Peel the apples and cut them in half. Remove the cores with a paring knife. Cutting from the blossom end to stem end, slice each half into 1/4-inch thick slices. ( I have one of those handy dandy apple corers that slice and core at the same time; which does it all in fell swoop).

Combine apple slices with the lemon juice, 1/4 cup sugar, and the cinnamon in a large mixing bowl. Stir to combine. Let the apples stand until the sugar is dissolved, about 15 minutes, stirring only once or twice.

Place a shaped large dough round on a baking sheet. Arrange the apple slices in 2 concentric circles on a large dough round or in one circle on the small rounds, overlapping the apple slices slightly.
Brush the rim of the crust with the egg yolk. Sprinkle the apples with the remaining 2 T sugar. bake until golden, 40 - 45 minutes.

Serve warm or at room temperature with Vanilla Whipped Cream or ice cream on the side.

Best served on the day it was made.

TO MAKE DOUGH: Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Place the cream cheese, butter, 1 cup flour, salt and sugar in a food processor. Process until the dough just comes together. It says it will be sticky, but, I didn't find it to be at all.

Sprinkle the parchment paper with flour. Turn the dough out onto the sheet and, with floured hands, press the dough into a round 10-inch circle or 4 (5-inch circles). Roll out 1/2-inch of the edge inward to create lip to catch the juices. Refrigerate the crust for 1 hour or wrap the baking sheet in plastic wrap and refrigerate it up to 24 hours until you are ready to use it. May be frozen for up to 2 months and used directly from the freezer.


Combine the cream, sugar, and vanilla in a large mixing bowl. With an electric mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whip on high speed until the cream just holds stiff peaks. Do not over whip. Use immediately or refrigerate it, covered in plastic wrap, for up to 6 hours. Whisk it again for a couple of seconds before using.

NOTES : One trick I learned on the Food Network is to add 1 - 2 tsp of skim milk powder to the whipped cream to act as a stabilizer so it will not separate if it needs to sit for a while before using.

If you are having 8 or fewer people to dinner, double the recipe and make 8 individual tarts. The dough can be made ahead and shaped weeks ahead of time, and the rest of the prep is minimal, leaving ample time to prepare the rest of the meal!!!