Summer Spaghetti

I can't believe that it's the middle of August
already!!!! Where has the time gone? My mom always told me that it would be like this..that my life would pass before my eyes... and as a mom myself I know that mom's are always right. At least I know that now because I didn't believe her then. Someday my daughter will look back and know what I know already ...that I am indeed always right. At least there is no one to tell me differently!!!!

The best part of the summer right now is the overabundance of tomatoes in our gardens and at the farmer's markets. We grow fresh, juicy tomatoes just for the pleasure of tasting "Summer Spaghetti". It is one of our all-time favourite dishes!!!!! You can change it up with the addition of different cheeses such as ricotta, brie, cottage cheese, feta...whatever is on hand.

The photo was taken in the countryside overlooking Lake Okanagan in Naramata, British Columbia.

**Summer Spaghetti**

1-lb (450 g) firm, ripe tomatoes

1 medium onion

6 pitted green olives

2 medium cloves, garlic

1/3 cup parsley, chopped

2 T finely shredded basil or 3/4 tsp dried

1/2 tsp paprika

2 tsp capers (or omit)

1/2 tsp dried oregano

1 T red wine vinegar

1/2 cup olive oil


Chop tomatoes coarsely. Chop onion and olives finely. Mince garlic. Combine tomatoes, onion, olives, garlic, parsley, basil, capers, paprika and oregano in medium bowl; toss well. Drizzle vinegar over mixture. Then pour oil over tomato mixture. Stir until thoroughly mixed. Refrigerate covered at least 6 hours or overnight. Just before serving, cook spaghetti in large kettle of boiling salted water just until al dente, 8 - 10 minutes. Drain well.

Immediately toss hot pasta with cold marinated tomato sauce. Serve at once.

Note: Add 1/2 cup ricotta, brie, cottage cheese, feta or other similiar cheeses before tossing. Delicious!!!