Roast Salmon in Soothing Lemon Sauce with Potatoe & Green Bean Salad

Back to summer...what?????... it hasn't gone anywhere...only my mind. I have been dreaming of cool nights, sitting by a cozy fire and rustling through fall leaves. Summer is still here in full swing. It always seem to come to an end in my mind once the kids are back to school, which will be in a little over a week!!!! Time sure flies when you're having fun as the saying goes!!!

British Columbia is the home of many wild varieties of salmon; each with their own subtle differences in taste and texture.
1)Sockeye is the financial mainstay of the commercial fisheries, contributing about two-thirds of the total value of the salmon harvest. Its deep-red, firm flesh is highly prized by gourmet cooks.
2) Chinook, also called Spring or King salmon, is the largest often running over 35 lbs (18 kg) and prized for its firm flesh ranging from ivory to deep red.
3) Chum has a milder, more delicate flavour, with flesh ranging from creamy pink to medium red. It is especially low in saturated fat and offers a good value for the dollar.
4)Coho is a versatile full-flavoured fish coupled with fine-textured red flesh.
5)Pink are the smallest and most abundant of the Pacific species of salmon. The flesh is light pink in colour and delicately flavoured; often attrractive for its price.

This salmon dish would lend itself perfectly to whichever salmon you choose; wild or farmed. I especially enjoy this dish on warm summer evenings. Here in our system of lakes we are able to fish Kokanee, which is not just "the beer out here" but a land-locked salmon similiar in size and texture to Steelhead Trout with its redish flesh.

This photo is taken in Washington state along a scenic drive on the way to Seattle.


**Roast Salmon in Soothing Lemon Sauce with Potato & Green Bean Salad**

2-lb salmon fillet, preferably centre cut
2 T Dijon mustard
2 T olive oil
1/4 cup chopped dill or mint
1 tsp chopped garlic
1/2 tsp grated lemon zest
1/4 cup sour cream or Greek yogurt
salt and freshly ground black pepper

Place salmon on oiled baking sheet. Combine mustard, olive oil, mint or dil, garlic, lemon rind, sour cream or yogurt, salt and pepper. Spread on salmon and leave to marinate at room temperature for 30 minutes. Preheat oven to 450F. Roast salmon for 12 - 15 minutes or until white juices just show on the base. Remove from oven and place sheet on a rack. Cool salmon. Remove salmon to serving platter and serve with Lemon Sauce.

**Lemon Sauce**

1 cup Greek yogurt or plain yogurt strained through cheesecloth to remove liquid
2 T lemon juice
1 T grated lemon zest
1 tsp chopped garlic
1/4 cup buttermilk
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup chopped fresh lemon balm or mint
salt and freshly ground pepper

Combine all ingredients. Add salt and pepper to taste.

**Potatoe & Green Bean Salad**

1 T red wine vinegar
1 T lemon juice
1 T grainy Dijon mustard
1/2 tsp sugar (optional)
1/2 cup olive oil
salt and freshly ground pepper
1-lb small red potatoes, unpeeled
1/2-lb green beans, trimmed
2 green onions, finely chopped
1 T parsley
2 tsp chopped fresh dill or mint

Whisk together vinegar, lemon juice, mustard and sugar. Slowly beat in oil. Season with salt and pepper. Boil potatoes in cold salted water for 10 - 15 minutes. Drain well. Immediately toss with half of the vinegar-lemon dressing. Cook green beans for 2 - 3 minutes or until tender crisp. Drain and refresh with cold water. Pat dry and combine with remaining dressing. Toss green beans with potatoes. Stir in green onions, parsley and tarragon. Season well.