City Dog Meets Country....

My condo where I live does not allow pets, so, I live vicariously through my friends animals. The opportunity came this weekend to babysit my friends dog Caramel who is just such a lovable "human being". Caramel, (A.K.A. "Fuzzy Boy") is a city dog through and through. He grew up in the apartments of Toronto and must have his feet wiped before he enters the house.

I decided to take him to a "doggie" beach to intoduce him to another way of life. He was dwarfed by the large dogs but they all kept to their part of the beach and there were no rumbles. I think he really enjoyed himself during his doggie adventure attempting to rip apart a tree trunk with his teeth, dipping his toes into the lake and chasing butterflies.

This was "Caramel's Outdoor Adventure". My camera is always at hand but the photos were taken as a spoof for my friends so they would know what their " child" was up to without them. Caramel has been part of their life for many, many years....