Back to our Roots..."Tattie Scones"

In the late 50's my parents moved to Canada like many. They settled in southern Ontario where the rolling hills and dales reminded them of Lincolnshire. The Cambridge area, or Galt, Preston and Hespeler as it was called then, was highly influenced by Scottish settlers and many of the buildings in the downtown core were built by stonemasons of that era.

We used to go to Reid's Candy Shop which at that time was on Main Street in Galt and get barley sugar lollipops and rock candy all reminiscent for my parents of days spent at the "seaside" and days gone by. Reid's Candy Shop is still there but on on one of the side streets. They no longer sell "flip chips" either which were a childhood favourite of mine.

Up until a few years ago there was a Marks and Spencers in downtown "Galt". When I moved to Calgary I frequented the Marks & Spencers downtown as well simply to pick up some potato scones. They would bring them in fresh. They were not always available so it was a real treat for me when I came across them. Eventually you could get only frozen ones and they were more readily available. Sad for me but when Marks & Spencers shut down altogether they were not available at all!!

There is a bakery in the "Preston" area of Cambridge that makes them. When I was there at Christmas I preordered 12 dozen to carry home in my suitcase. There is no where to buy them here in the West that I can find so I am reduced to making my own. They are not a bad replica..but there is something about the ready made ones that I really like.

**Scottish Potato Scones**

2 cups mashed potatoes
1-1/2 cups flour (more if necessary)
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 T melted butter


Mash potatoes well, beat in butter with a fork. Sift dry ingredients and add to mashed potatoes.

Turn out on slightly floured board and knead with hands and form into a soft ball. Cut in half, roll out until 1/4-inch thin. Cut into 8 wedges.

With melted butter, bake on hot griddle, 3 minutes per side.

Serve warm with melted butter or toast at a later date to rewarm.

They are one of my faves for breakfast or snacking at any time for that matter!!!